How do life insurance payments work? [2023]

What you should know

  • Upon the death of the insured, a life insurance payment is issued to the policy beneficiaries
  • Payment options include life insurance lump sum payments or annuities
  • Life insurance payments can be delayed if claim forms are not filled out correctly

Life insurance payout is available to beneficiaries in the event of death of the insured. However, the payment disbursement method varies. Whether you choose a lump sum or an annuity, you may have to pay taxes on the death benefit.

Keep reading to learn how life insurance payments work and how to file a life insurance claim.

Understand how life insurance payments work

Beneficiaries can submit claims after the death of the insured to initiate the payment process. The type of policy in place determines several factors, such as taxes and how the life insurance death benefit is paid.

For example, a traditional term life insurance policy usually pays the benefit amount in one payment. The beneficiary does not pay taxes on the payments.

However, permanent life insurance contains a portion of the cash value that can complicate payments. While the policy amount is not taxed, any cash value owed is taxable. Additionally, living benefit life insurance allows the insured to use all or some of the cash value for various reasons, such as medical needs.

This table details the advantages and disadvantages of life insurance with living benefits.

Life insurance with advantages and disadvantages of living benefits

Positives cons
It may be included in the basic policy If not included, there will be an additional cost
A portion of the death benefit may be used to cover medical expenses Less money is available for funeral costs after death
The money goes directly to the insured or beneficiary The amount is based on medical condition and not financial need

Your life insurance can be withdrawn if you remove the full cash value of the policy. While the policy may remain active, the death benefit will be reduced.

Many people choose term life insurance, which is valid only for a set period of time and has no cash value. However, rates are usually cheaper for a lifetime than for a permanent policy.

This table shows average life insurance rates for different ages and payments.

Life Insurance Monthly Rates by Age: Coverage Options and Price Comparison

age $100,000 policy $250,000 insurance policy $500,000 policy
25 years $11 $13 $21
30 years $11 $14 $22
35 years old $11 $14 $22
He is 40 years old $12 $17 $26
45 years $14 $21 $34
50 years $18 $29 $50
55 years old $23 $39 $70
60 years old $32 $61 $87
65 years old $44 $92 $178

Many factors, such as age, medical history, and habits, affect insurance costs. Compare life insurance quotes from several companies to find the cheapest rates available.

Learn more about how life insurance works here.

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Types of life insurance payments

There are multiple ways for beneficiaries to obtain life insurance payments. While many people choose to receive a lump sum, it may be preferable to receive payments for an extended period of time. In many cases, the type of life insurance policy determines whether you have to pay taxes.

For example, permanent life insurance usually has a taxable cash value, but the amount of coverage of a life insurance policy is not taxable.

This table shows ways to get life insurance payments.

Life insurance payout options

Payment option a description
Stopped payout The full death benefit is paid in one, tax-free payment
Payment of installments A death benefit is paid periodically over a specified period of time, with interest earnings
Asset held account The insurance company keeps the benefits in an interest-bearing account for withdrawal as needed

While there are several ways to receive life insurance payments, the type of policy and insurance company may limit the method you choose. Remember, if you select to pay life insurance premiums, you may have to pay taxes on the interest earned.

In addition, life insurance policies that generate immediate cash value are subject to cash value taxes.

Life insurance payout process

There are life insurance payout steps to ensure your claim is processed promptly. The specific steps vary by insurance company, but it is imperative that you file your claim as quickly as possible. Fill out the form completely and attach a copy of the death certificate.

This table shows how your life insurance payment schedule can be affected.

Factors affecting life insurance payment schedule

Factor Impact on the payment schedule
when you submit your claim Just-in-time registration ensures faster processing
Required Documents Prompt submission of required documents speeds up the process
document duration Longer active policies may have faster returns processing
cause of death Some causes may require additional investigation
state laws Regulations vary, which can affect the schedule

Check with the insurance company if the payment process is going too slowly.

How late can life insurance payouts be?

There are many reasons an insurance company might delay paying out life insurance claims. This table shows common reasons you may have to wait to receive your return.

Reasons for delaying or denying life insurance payments

a reason influence on payment
Exceptions Payment may be refused if cause of death is ruled out
scam An investigation may result in a reduction or denial of payout
Policy papers are missing Not having the necessary documents slows down the claims process
policy expiry There is no compensation payment if the policyholder stops paying the premiums
period of competition The first two years may include a review, but the honest claims continue

While some factors, such as exclusions, are out of your control, be sure to follow your insurance company’s directions to move through the claims process as quickly as possible.

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Tips on getting life insurance returns fast

Ways to get a life insurance death benefit quickly include:

  • Contact the life insurance company to inform them of the death of the insured.
  • Fill out the paperwork in a timely manner and submit any documents, such as a death certificate.
  • Reply to the insurance company quickly if they need additional information.
  • Follow up with the insurance company if the process is taking longer than expected.

Usually, life insurance death benefits are paid within four to six weeks. However, your state limits how long it can take for an insurance company to close a life insurance claim.

The best way to use my life insurance payments

The best way to use your life insurance payments is up to you. However, common ways to use reimbursement include:

  • Debt repayment
  • Pay for your children’s education
  • Put money aside in an emergency fund
  • Buy your life insurance

Once you have your life insurance payments, you can use them however you like.

Remember that life insurance is an asset if it has cash value, and you may have to pay taxes. Therefore, perhaps, you will have to use part of your life insurance payments to cover taxes.

Bottom line: life insurance payments

There are multiple ways to receive payments from a life insurance policy, including a lump sum payment or annuity life insurance payments. Your policy and insurance company may determine which payment method you can choose.

When purchasing a life insurance policy, consider the coverage you need, your beneficiaries, and how you want the death benefit to be disbursed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average life insurance payment?

Typically, payments average between $10,000 to $168,000. However, the amount of life insurance payout depends on the policy.

What are the most common life insurance payments?

While most people choose to pay a lump sum for life insurance, some prefer to receive payments. Life insurance payments in installments allow the beneficiary to receive income for a long period of time.

How much life insurance do I need?

The amount of life insurance needed depends on many factors, such as whether you want to pay off a mortgage, pay for your kids’ college, or just cover funeral expenses. A financial advisor can help you determine the correct amount of life insurance for you.

Find out how to buy life insurance that suits your needs here.

Is it better to take a life insurance payment in a lump sum or to spread it out over time?

There is no right answer. Most people choose to pay a lump sum, but opting for installments allows you to have a stable source of income for years.

Are life insurance payments taxable?

Life insurance payments are not taxed based on the policy itself. However, a cash value life insurance policy may be taxed on the cash value portion.

What happens if there are multiple beneficiaries of life insurance payments?

Where there is more than one beneficiary, life insurance payments are distributed according to the wishes of the insured. All recipients of life insurance payments must file their own claims to receive compensation.

In the case of life insurance payouts for minors, the amount must go to the guardian until the beneficiary reaches the age of majority. learn How to name a minor child as a beneficiary of life insurance payments here.

How do life insurance payments differ from annuity payments?

Life insurance payments are usually a lump sum that is paid after the death of the insured. The annuity pays the life insurance death benefit over a period of time. Life insurance annuities allow beneficiaries to receive payments for a longer period of time.

Can life insurance payments be reserved for legal judgments or debts?

Life insurance payments can only be falsified if the amount goes to the property of the insured. Life insurance payouts may be paid to the estate if there are no specified beneficiaries.

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Rachel Brennan

Licensed insurance agent

Rachel Brennan has been in the insurance industry since 2006 when she started working as a licensed insurance representative for 21st Century Insurance, during which time she held her property and casualty license in all 50 states. After several years she expanded her expertise in the insurance field, and was licensed in health insurance and AD&D insurance as well. I worked for a small health in…

Benjamin Carr

Former state farm insurance agent

Benjamin Carr has worked as a licensed insurance agent at State Farm and Tennant Special Risk. He sold various lines of coverage and informed his clients about their life, health and property/accident insurance needs. Assessing risk and helping people find the best coverage for their needs is his passion. He appreciates that insurance is designed to protect people, especially in times…

Former state farm insurance agent

Editorial Tips: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about life insurance. Our goal is to be an objective third party source for all things life insurance. We update our website regularly, and all content is reviewed by life insurance experts.

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