How much does a million dollar document cost?

quick Facts

  • Million dollar life insurance is a type of life insurance for high net worth individuals
  • Experts recommend buying a life insurance policy that’s worth 10 to 12 times your annual salary, so individuals who earn $100,000 or more can benefit from a $1 million life insurance policy.
  • You would pay about $40 a month for a million dollar life insurance policy

A million dollar life insurance policy provides high value life insurance coverage to individuals who are looking to give the life insurance beneficiary financial protection if they are successful. On average, it costs $40 per month for a million dollar life insurance policy.

To find the coverage you need at a price within your budget, compare million dollar life insurance quotes and shop for different types of life insurance policies.

Understanding multimillion dollar life insurance policies

For those wondering how much life insurance you can buy, policyholders can purchase $1 million life insurance coverage in life insurance. However, this is a large life insurance policy, so it is more expensive than a policy with lower coverage amounts. By comparing multi-million dollar life insurance quotes, you can find an affordable policy to secure your family’s financial future and start estate planning.

Generally, permanent life insurance policies have low coverage amounts, so you can only get life insurance policies with $1 million in coverage. Read more about whole life insurance companies if you have different coverage needs.

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The cost of life insurance policies is in the millions of dollars

On average, it costs $40 per month for a million dollar life insurance policy. However, your rates will vary based on your age, gender, health concerns, and coverage amount. Check out the table below for average prices for million dollar life insurance.

$1 million life insurance rates depending on the length of the term

length of time male feminine
10 years $26 $22
15 years $29 $27
20 years $40 $29
30 years $65 $49

As you can see, life insurance policy for adult children is much more affordable than for seniors, which makes it wiser to purchase the insurance policy early.

Factors affecting your million dollar life insurance rates

Companies consider several factors when formulating your million dollar life insurance rates to assess insurance risk. Here is a list of common factors that companies consider:

  • age: Young people have lower risk of death and pay lower rates for million dollar life insurance policies.
  • Lifestyle options: Smoking, drinking too much, or participating in high-risk activities such as skydiving can all lead to higher rates. However, find cheap A life insurance policy for smokers It is not impossible.
  • sex: Women have a higher life expectancy than men, so they pay lower rates on million dollar life insurance.
  • duration: The longer your policy term, the more you will have to pay for coverage.
  • health: Health concerns or pre-existing conditions can affect rates, and some companies may decline coverage because many require medical exams. These individuals can consider a non-medical life insurance policy, which is a type of secured life insurance policy, although the rates will be more expensive.

Consider the factors you can control—such as lifestyle choices and coverage options—and compare rates from various companies to find an affordable million-dollar life insurance policy.

A $1 million life insurance policy for 10 years

The table below shows 10-year million dollar life insurance rates based on age and gender.

$1 million life insurance policy for 10 years

age male feminine
30 $26 $22
35 $26 $23
40 $35 $28
45 $53 $43
50 $81 $63
55 $136 $102
60 $223 $150

On average, you’ll pay $72 per month for a 10-year, $1 million life insurance policy.

A life insurance policy worth $1 million for 20 years

Check the table below to see how much you could pay for a $1 million 20-year life insurance policy.

A life insurance policy of $1 million for a period of 20 years

age male feminine
30 $40 $29
35 $43 $34
40 $60 $48
45 $96 $71
50 $145 105 bucks
55 $245 $175
60 $422 $294

You see, it costs about $126 a month to take out $1 million worth of life insurance for 20 years. You’ll also pay lower rates when you get coverage at a younger age.

A $1 million life insurance policy for 30 years

See the table below for average interest rates on a 30-year, $1 million policy.

A million dollar life insurance policy for 30 years

age male feminine
30 $65 $49
35 $74 $57
40 107 bucks $82
45 $167 $122
50 $268 $190
55 $524 $349
60 Unavailable Unavailable

You’ll pay an average of $171 per month for a 30-year, $1 million life insurance policy.

The best companies for multimillion dollar life insurance policies

You can buy a million dollar life insurance policy from several companies, including:

  • AIG
  • Pacific Life
  • New York Life
  • precautionary
  • Banner lives
  • MetLife
  • Omaha Mutual
  • Lincoln Financial

When considering pricing, customer satisfaction, and financial stability, we consider the best companies for million dollar life insurance policies to be New York Life, Banner Life, and Mutual of Omaha.

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Determine if you need a million dollar life insurance policy

Generally, experts recommend that people purchase life insurance that is 10 or 12 times their annual income, so individuals who earn $100,000 annually should consider a million dollar life insurance policy. Here is a list of people who can benefit from a million dollar life insurance policy:

  • business owners: A business owner who plays a critical role in the company’s operations, has high business debt, and various financial obligations should consider a million dollar life insurance. Life insurance for business owners is fundamental in ensuring that a business thrives after the death of the owner.
  • High debt holders: A million dollar life insurance policy can benefit someone with a mortgage, student loans, or car lease.
  • A person with multiple dependents: If many people depend on your income, or you have children who will eventually attend college, consider a million dollar life insurance policy.

Although $1 million seems like a lot of coverage, many people can benefit from it, and finding an affordable policy isn’t out of the question. Check the table below to see how a lower or higher coverage amount affects your rates.

Term life insurance rates by policy amount

Document amount male feminine
$500,000 $25 $21
750 thousand dollars $33 $24
$1 million $40 $29
$2 million $73 $52

As you can see, a male policyholder pays about $15 more per month for a $1 million life insurance policy than for a $500,000 term insurance policy.

Tips on Shopping for Million Dollar Life Insurance

Consider the following tips when shopping for million dollar life insurance policies:

  • Compare quotes. Insurance companies offer different rates depending on various factors, so compare quotes on million dollar life insurance from at least three companies before purchasing a policy.
  • Consider coverage needs. Before you get coverage, consider your financial obligations, such as mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, or other debt, to see if million dollar life insurance is right for you. You should also decide how long you need it. If you want to get your premiums back when your term ends, consider A Return of a life insurance policyalthough the rates are higher.
  • Talk to a counselor. Speak with an insurance agent to help you navigate coverage options and find an affordable million dollar life insurance policy.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to ensure that you get an adequate amount of coverage to fit your budget.

Bottom line: Million dollar life insurance policies

Consider a million dollar life insurance policy if you are a high net worth person looking for life insurance. If you own a business, have significant debt, or various financial obligations, million dollar life insurance can provide financial protection to your beneficiaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Million Dollar Life Insurance Policies Too Expensive?

On average, a million dollar life insurance policy costs $40 per month, but rates vary based on the amount of coverage, age, gender, term length, and type of life insurance.

Can you get a million dollar life insurance policy without a medical exam?

Yes, companies like AIG, Banner Life, Transamerica, Pacific Life, and Lincoln Financial offer million dollar non-medical life insurance policies, also known as guaranteed life insurance policies.

Who needs a million dollar life insurance policy?

If you plan on real estate, are a business owner, have significant debt, or have many dependents, consider $1 million life insurance.

How do I file a claim on a million dollar life insurance policy?

To file a claim on a $1 million life insurance policy, contact your insurance company and provide required documents, such as a death certificate, to obtain compensation. However, each company’s claims process is different.

What Kinds of Million Dollar Life Insurance Policies Can I Get?

You can get a million dollar life insurance policy. However, other types of policy, such as permanent life insurance, generally have lower payments. You can also get a million dollar guaranteed life insurance policy.

How does smoking affect the rates of my $1 million life insurance policy?

Smokers pay higher million dollar life insurance rates because insurance companies consider smokers a high risk to insure.

Which company has the best million dollar life insurance policy?

The best companies for multi-million dollar life insurance policies are New York Life, Banner Life, and Mutual of Omaha.

Can I get a million dollar cash value life insurance policy?

Million dollar life insurance policies do not offer a cash value component.

What are the tax implications of a million dollar life insurance policy?

The life insurance death benefit of a million dollar life insurance policy is not subject to income or estate taxes. However, any interest earned on any type of life insurance is subject to taxation.

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Rachel Brennan

Licensed insurance agent

Rachel Brennan has been in the insurance industry since 2006 when she started working as a licensed insurance representative for 21st Century Insurance, during which time she held her property and casualty license in all 50 states. Several years later, she expanded her expertise in the insurance field, earning a license in health insurance and AD&D insurance as well. I worked for a small health in…

Benjamin Carr

Former state farm insurance agent

Benjamin Carr has worked as a licensed insurance agent at State Farm and Tennant Special Risk. He sold various lines of coverage and informed his clients about their life, health and property/accident insurance needs. Assessing risk and helping people find the best coverage for their needs is his passion. He appreciates that insurance is designed to protect people, especially in times…

Former state farm insurance agent

Editorial Tips: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about life insurance. Our goal is to be an objective third party source for all things life insurance. We update our website regularly, and all content is reviewed by life insurance experts.

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